Folk-a-Dilly Tales
Here we tell folk tales in three different ways, based mostly on stories we have found over the years. These can be true tales or legends from the past. Some are murder stories, some are ghost stories and some relate to historic characters with intriguing tales.
Told verbally as a story, with poems and music to enhance the story telling experience. This is an epic podcast!
Folk-a-Dilly Tales
The Ghosts on the Bridge
John Hales tells the bizarre tale of a wicked witch and her love potion.
The song was 'The Bastwick Wish' by Zingaro Blue
Back ground music supplied by Scott Buckley
'Intervention' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
'Static' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
Special thanks to Jazz Owen for her amazing art work 'Ghost on the bridge'
for this episode.
Folk-a-Dilly Tales is a Zingaro Blue Production
Your host is John Hales /
The podcast was written, edited & produced by Mario & Lesley Price
The songs & lyrics were composed by Mario & Lesley Price
Mixed by Frank Erlenkämper
Special thanks to Antonella Hall (Cover model)
This podcast was based on the book "Folkstories, Legends & Poems" by Mario & Lesley Price.
The background music was composed by Scott Buckley (see links for individual episodes).